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Help & Info

How to buy?

  1. Browse the products available in the store and add to the cart all the ones you want to buy.
  2. Visit the cart details and click the "Checkout" or "Continue to checkout" button.
  3. Fill in the data associated with the buyer and the person receiving in Havana.
  4. Choose the payment method and enter your card details if requested.
  5. Accept the terms and conditions.
  6. Click on the "Place order" button and follow the instructions associated with your payment method.
  7. If it is the first time that you visit us, your account will be created automatically. Your username will be the email registered in the purchase and the initial password will be sent to you by email.
  8. You can change your password by accessing the following link:
  9. If you need to see the information associated with your account or modify it, you can do so through the following link:

Deliveries and Distribution rates

At the moment we only make deliveries in the capital. Shipping cost is $5.

The distribution is carried out through private companies specialized in distribution and it is guaranteed that the purchase made by you reaches the final recipient in perfect condition within 48 hours.

Returns requested by customers

The customer can request a refund of the money from his purchase by email [email protected] in the event that there is an error in the purchase process or an obvious sign of incomplete service. If the return of the money is requested for a reason unrelated to the action of the platform, an 8% discount will be applied on the amount to be returned, in order to cover expenses and banking operations.